Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pain, Hot flashes and Attitude

First, pain............anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge wimp when it comes to pain. I hate pain. At the first sign of a headache I'm popping aspirin faster than you can say headache! I know that I don't have to live with pain so I don't. Yesterday I was in about as much pain as I have ever known. My back hurt so bad it took my breath away. It radiated into my hips and all the way up my spine into my neck. I moaned and groaned and took 1 Darvocet and 1 Hydrocodone and got no relief. Finally Tom got home with my new Darvocet prescription (I think the other was old) and I took 1 and finally got some relief. In the next 1 1/2 hours after that I took another one. I hurt so bad I was sick on my stomach and didn't eat anything until Tom made me something when he got home. This was THE worst thing I have had to deal with so far! Today I am drugged up and am at home again. Can I just say that I HATE THIS!!!!
Next, hot flashes..........pain medication seems to bring these on in full force. For those of you who have never had a hot flash they are mostly inexplicable but I will try. When it comes upon you the entire body flushes from head to toe. Sweat begins to bead on the forehead and the upper lip. The body gets so hot that if it is possible to remove clothing then that is done. If one is lying in the bed under the covers then one immediately throws the covers back and begins gasping for fresh cooler air. It literally feels as though if you do not cool off that your entire body will erupt into flame! I hate them and it seems as though I have more and more every day and every night also. Another lovely thing about this process.
And lastly, boss says "Attitude is everything" and my husband says "Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you deal with it." Attitude. So far I think that my attitude has been pretty good. I have not said "Why me?" or cried about my plight. I have taken it in stride and mostly continue to say to myself that no matter how bad I have it someone else has it worse. That puts things into perspective for me. It makes me realize that this is a bump in the road and will be over before I know it. Do you sense a BUT coming? On Monday I wore my wig - not because I needed it but because I wanted to show my peeps at work the new me! And for the first time since this whole thing started I felt sick - not flu sick but sick like this is life altering sick. And since they gave me those Neupogen shots to boost my white blood cell counts I have felt sick. And lying here in the bed while on Darvocet I feel sick. I am sick. I finally realize that I am sick.
Attitude, though, is how I will deal with it.

1 comment:

R said...

From one of your "peeps" - we miss you - praying that get through today and everday and that you'll feel better - r