Sunday, July 27, 2014

Stage IV

Well it finally happened.  Stage IV....cancer in the lung now.  Wasn't really surprised.  Haven't even cried.  Tom is so upset.  I am still numb.

Monday, January 13, 2014


CT typo?!  WTH?  How can I know what is or is not right on a CT scan report if they make typos?  I am so angry about this.  I know people make mistakes but this is the second time I've been told that something on a CT scan report I have is a typo.  Two different places!  How can we trust what these people say if typos are a "normal" part of their work?
Sorry, just needed to vent.  I have a call into the radiologists that read by scan and am waiting on their reasoning for a typo on something so important to me.
Anyone else had a typo that they found later wasn't an actual typo?  Sigh.