Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 20th is an anniversary for me

I read in the forums that women give their anniversary date as the date of their diagnosis. I totaly disagree with that. The day of my diagnosis I still had cancer. So my anniversary of is the day of my last treatment. Of course, this is in my humble opinion.
So, May 20th will be the anniversary that I choose to celebrate. On May 20th, 2008, I had completed 4 rounds of chemo and 35 radiation treatments. On this May 20th I will celebrate being cancer free for one year! It is an incredible thing that has happened to me in this last year. The sun shines brighter, the birds sing prettier, the smells are sweeter, the laughter is better, everything is MORE! Living is so much more than the drudgery that most people make it out to be!
Anyway, I am happy to say that I am 13 days away from my 1 year anniversary and am so grateful for every wonderful moment on this beautiful earth! My hope for the future is that you know the same great peace that I have found. Namaste'.