Monday, November 25, 2013

Feeling so sad

I am feeling so sad lately and can't seem to climb out of this funk.  This is mostly about my husband's mother and her failing health and our friend's father who is dying too.  It's just so damn stressful watching my husband and a friend watch their parents die slowly.  I had to do the same with my father and it was so hard.  My husband broke down yesterday because his mother barely knows him and she even said yesterday, "I've had just about all of this I can take."  I told her it is OK if she wants to go.  I think my husband and his siblings should do the same.  Sometimes they just want to know that it is OK to pass on.
Anyway, sadness end in sight.  At least for the time being.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Politics and friends

I have a Facebook account.  I have enjoyed having it as I have reconnected with several people with whom I had lost touch.  It is interesting to see what people have become and to learn about their children and even grand-children.
Previous to the last Presidential election I never posted anything political OR even talked to folks about Politics because I do not like to argue and political discussions almost always end in arguments. But I started paying attention to what this current administration is doing to this country and I decided that I HAD to speak up.  So I started posting my ideas and the ideas of others with whom I agree and the friends started dropping like flies.  Not really friends then, right?  What about a sister?  Yep, lost a sister, too.  We weren't that close anymore though.
Well, now it appears that I have lost a true friend.  This makes me very sad.  Especially since I thought that we could have differing opinions and still be friends.
I am strong in my convictions now.  I will stand up for my country and my family and against ANYONE who tries to take away my rights afforded to me from the US Constitution.  And that would include anyone that I consider a friend.
I am not against anyone who feels the same strength in their convictions.  And if that keeps us from being friends then that is the way it must be.