Friday, September 17, 2010

The Book of Awesome

I had been feeling a little blue so I decided to buy "The Book of Awesome." This book is about reminding us that the little things in life can pass us by if we don't take notice. And these things can truly be very small.....popping bubble wrap, the cool side of the pillow, the laughter of a child, etc.
Each day I get in the shower and the first words out of my mouth are "Thank you, God, for this day." But its sad that I have to remember to notice that my life, while not perfect, is pretty damned good. Sure, we all have our "stuff" to deal with....right now there is a building layer of dust on several surfaces in my home and my bones ache more than they should for a 47 year old woman......but remembering the good stuff will help the hurt stop hurting.
As I read further into this book I am sure that I will be posting more about it. We've always heard "Stop and smell the roses" but until I got cancer I never really got what that means. I do now and I challenge anyone reading this to remember to do the same.
Life really is good. Find something good about yours too.