Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Another CT scan....another wait.  This was the first time everyone I saw on the way to the scan asked why I was there.  Weird.
Waiting, waiting, waiting......

Monday, December 16, 2013


My 1st cousin killed himself a little over a week ago.  No note, no hints, no nothing.  He's just gone.  What causes someone to do this?  I am actually more sad that he didn't have another alternative than I am that he is dead.  Not that I am not saddened by his death, because I am.  But everyone dies.  Sooner or later....everyone dies.  No one gets out of this life alive.
But how awful to have no other alternative than to take your own life.  Did he consider how it would make his mother feel?  His father, his brother, his sisters?  Did they cross his mind?
I read one time that if you truly believe that tomorrow will be different than today....different good or different bad...but different then taking your own life is really not an option.  I believe this.
So the grey cloud continues to follow me.  As in the last post I can't seem to get out from under it.  Then something like this happens.
I also lost a friend recently.  Lost as in we are no longer friends.  Saddens me also but this too shall pass.  Life is about losses and how they are handled.  I never handle loss well.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Feeling so sad

I am feeling so sad lately and can't seem to climb out of this funk.  This is mostly about my husband's mother and her failing health and our friend's father who is dying too.  It's just so damn stressful watching my husband and a friend watch their parents die slowly.  I had to do the same with my father and it was so hard.  My husband broke down yesterday because his mother barely knows him and she even said yesterday, "I've had just about all of this I can take."  I told her it is OK if she wants to go.  I think my husband and his siblings should do the same.  Sometimes they just want to know that it is OK to pass on.
Anyway, sadness continues....no end in sight.  At least for the time being.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Politics and friends

I have a Facebook account.  I have enjoyed having it as I have reconnected with several people with whom I had lost touch.  It is interesting to see what people have become and to learn about their children and even grand-children.
Previous to the last Presidential election I never posted anything political OR even talked to folks about Politics because I do not like to argue and political discussions almost always end in arguments. But I started paying attention to what this current administration is doing to this country and I decided that I HAD to speak up.  So I started posting my ideas and the ideas of others with whom I agree and the friends started dropping like flies.  Not really friends then, right?  What about a sister?  Yep, lost a sister, too.  We weren't that close anymore though.
Well, now it appears that I have lost a true friend.  This makes me very sad.  Especially since I thought that we could have differing opinions and still be friends.
I am strong in my convictions now.  I will stand up for my country and my family and against ANYONE who tries to take away my rights afforded to me from the US Constitution.  And that would include anyone that I consider a friend.
I am not against anyone who feels the same strength in their convictions.  And if that keeps us from being friends then that is the way it must be.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Chemo kills.

Let me start out by saying that so many women are still alive today because they have done chemo for their breast cancer.  But let me also say that lost of people are dead today because of their chemo.  Chemo is bad fruit, man.  It kills bad cells but it also kills good ones.  My surgeon said its like trying to kill an ant with a hammer.  You may kill the ant but the wall will have lots of holes.  It took me at least a year to feel normal after chemo.
I hated chemo.  I can remember saying that if I ever got cancer I would NEVER do chemo.  Never say never.
Last night as hubby and I were lying in bed he said, "I'm worried about you."  I said, "I'm OK.  I have good days and bad days just like everyone else."  But he knows me and knows that even though I do not KNOW for sure that I have anything to worry about that I am still worried about the spot in my lung.  I have to say that I am mostly concerned about it because it wasn't there 3 months before.  And people say that it could be leftover from an illness but I haven't been sick.
Anyway, I digress.  He told me that I could talk to him and I told him that I know that.  But what I didn't tell him, at least not yet, is that IF the spot turns out being cancer my biggest worry is not that he will be sad about that but that he won't understand if I choose not to do chemo again.  Will he understand that?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

How small is too small to worry about?

Last CT scan....July 24th....."Impression:  8 mm left upper lobe pulmonary nodule, finding is suspicious for metastatic disease.  Continued follow-up is recommended."
Last CT scan which showed lymph nodes in abdomen were unchanged which was good.
Doc says we will re-scan in 4 months.  Ugh.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Feeling better

Spring is always my friend.  When the buds open and the flowers bloom, when the bees buzz and the fruit starts to bear.....it makes me feel renewed also.  I have made a decision that I am tired of worrying about this.  I'm tired of feeling bad, sad, etc.  The sun does help.  And spring most definitely helps.
I am feeling much better.  Be gone, cancer!  Out of my body and my head!  Yep, feeling much better......

Monday, March 25, 2013


Follow-up appointment with Oncologist today.  Blood work looked better but still out of normal range.  Just going to follow up with blood work again in 3 months.  He said he didn't think another scan now would be necessary.  I didn't push the issue.  Not sure why I didn't push it but I just let it go.  I am tired of worrying about it but know that it won't ever really go away.  Just need to learn to live with it.
Hope spring helps me out of the doldrums.  Going to try to start walking again at lunch too which should help.  No idea........

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Crying and weakness

Last time I cried was in August, 2012.  Before that was probably February, 2012.  Before that was probably a very long time.  I HATE to cry.  It gives me a headache, makes my face look funny, my eyes puffy, and doesn't really solve anything.
I cried last night.  And afterwards all I felt was weak and stupid.
Every time I feel like I am digging out of this funk......I don't.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another wait and see.....I hate this!

PET/CT scan done 1/21/13.  Came back with three things to "keep an eye on".  One mildly enlarged lymph node at the base of my neck (7mm)......been there about a month...I noticed it.....but it isn't too big.  Two mildly enlarged lymph nodes in my abdomen (1cm each)......will watch but I'm pretty sure they weren't there at the time of my last scan.  And small sclerotic areas on my left femoral head (left hip)...they think these are bone islands which are benign but will watch it too.
So, anxiety abounds.  Don't know if I should be concerned or not.  If doc is OK with waiting then maybe I should be too?