Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I did it.......with Tom's help!

I now look like Demi Moore in GI Jane - minus the six pack abs and various other muscles that she displayed in the movie. Tom shaved my hair off for me last night. I sat in the middle of the floor on a sheet and he said, "Are you sure?" And I replied "Yes" and he went to town. It looks and feels kinda cool, actually. I found it "freeing". I also found out after he got done that it had hurt his feelings to do that. But we laughed about it anyway. He said he liked it and that it looked pretty good. I doubt I will wear it that way because people tend to stare and it makes them uncomfortable. Tom says that is their problem and I shouldn't worry about that. I think I will find out how to tie scarves and wear them sometimes.
Anyway, I am feeling pretty good. Just in time to get "hit" again. Oh well. Wish me better luck with my 2nd round!
Hugs to all!


R said...

Hey, as Dr. Holt used to have a bumper sticker that said "Bald is Beautiful" and a sign somewhere in his office that said "God created a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair". My additional comment would be: "Hey, looooking good!" peep-r

R said...

Hey, as Dr. Holt used to have a bumper sticker that said "Bald is Beautiful" and a sign somewhere in his office that said "God created a few perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair". My additional comment would be: "Hey, looooking good!" peep-r