Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday and Leap Year day!

I heard on the radio someone said, "Last year today was actually tomorrow!" And it really was! Since it was 2/29 we had to get into a conversation about those folks who were born on 2/29 and how they celebrate their birthday. It would be really nice to be able to say, "oh, I'm only 11!" Oh well, women are supposed to lie about their age anyway!
Feeling pretty good today. Spirits are up and energy is coming back. I even walked a little outside today 'cause it was so pretty outdoors. Headed into my good week so am looking forward to it! Hubby and I are planning a celebration next Friday after my last treatment before it knocks me down. He has been so good to me!
Anyway, wanted to say that I've been down and back up and down again. The roller coaster ride is almost over and I sure am glad! Thanks for listening to my rantings! Cheers and Happy weekend!

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