Monday, February 18, 2008

Round 3

Its Monday and I am lying here in the bed. Did pretty well on Friday and Saturday, as per usual, and then Sunday slept most of the day and today has been the worst. My body aches and I am so sleepy and tired. Side effects are following the same path, though, so tomorrow I should begin coming out of it. Brandon is sick and so is one of my dogs so I'm just hoping that I don't get it. I'm hoping that the aching bones are just the chemo killing the fast growing cells. It would be really bad to get the flu right now - or even a cold, according to the Onc. nurses!
Anyway, sorry I haven't blogged in a few days. I think the longer this thing goes on the more tired I am and the more "down" I feel. In another month I will be so close to being done with all chemo has to offer so I am in the short rows now. I just have to keep remembering that. I can safely say that I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
So, I'll try to be more interesting in the days to come. Here's hoping that I can hang in there for a little while longer!

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