Tuesday, April 1, 2008

X-Ray day

So I had to wait because they were running behind. Once they took me I was laid on a flat table again - they have something under my knees but it still makes my back hurt to lie there for very long - and they marked on me again and took xrays. They had this underwater scene on the ceiling which was very cool. So when they told me I had to lie still and not move a muscle I could only move my eyes and I took in the underwater scene. It was so nice - pretty colors and shapes. It certainly helped the time pass quickly. This big machine over me took pictures and lights came on and went off and at one time there was this big spotlight on my breast. And it was NOT entertaining anyone. There was a man and a woman in the room looking at my breast which didn't make me very happy either. Oh well - just another thing.
I start tomorrow with my 35 rads. I will do the best I can to go to work after each treatment. Some women on the message boards say that they get so fatigued that they have to take naps. I will do whatever I can. May have to work some in the evenings and on weekends to make up time lost. I just don't know what will happen.
I'll keep this blog up to date (or abreast - HA) with the situation. Thanks for hanging with me.

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