Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just another thing

The Smiths have had a hard year. As any of you that have been reading since my first blog you know that in the last 17 months Tom and I lost both our fathers, his brother and I got cancer. Recently as today the list of "more stuff" got longer. A very young lady decided to run into his truck while he was sitting in a turn lane. This is Tom's baby - his truck - the first time in our married life that he got the vehicle that HE wanted and had wanted for a long time. So his rear bumper is smashed in and his feelings are more than a little hurt. He is NOT hurt - other than a headache and a neck ache but he is really mad. And I am too. Haven't we had enough to deal with? And you guys know how much of a hassle it is to try to get a vehicle fixed and deal with the insurance companies, etc, etc. - What a pain! I am very glad that Tom is OK. And that should be the main thing, right?! Right! Easy to say.
7 rads down! 28 to go! Its kind of a pain to have to go every day but I'm sure it will go by quickly. I sure hope so anyway. I really wish that I had taken the time off from work because I find it hard to get up and go. I'd much rather stay at home until I start looking normal again. But even though I do work at home sometimes I'm sure they would rather me be there. I'm doing the best I can which isn't very good most of the time. Not sure what's wrong with me other than loads going on in my life and I am trying to be a better person on top of it see my problem. Too much to do and think about! The Roller Coaster ride is getting old.
I am reading A New Earth and am hoping that it helps me toward my need for some enlightenment in this craziness that we live in. I will blog about it, I feel sure, so stay tuned.
Thanks for listening AGAIN. I am so lucky to have this place to vent.

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