Monday, April 14, 2008

No more Pity Parties - Promise!

The rads are going well. No side effects so far and I am so glad. It won't be as long as it has been!
I have turned the corner, I do believe! I am done with complaining and whining and feeling sorry for myself. I just cannot do it anymore. I am feeling stronger and my attitude has adjusted. I want to become enlightened about why I am here on this earth and why things happen. I mentioned the book, A New Earth, and I have to say that so far it is dead-on! Granted I am only on Chapter 3 but I cannot believe how much I agree with what this man has written. I am bound by my ego and that is NOT a good thing. I want to get out from underneath it. I want to stop labeling people and things and myself and just BE. I want to stop talking about folks and stop worrying about them talking about me. I want to ask for forgiveness and grant it also. I am ready for this change. I am a work in progress and that's OK. I am calm and at peace. I pray it lasts.
"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment." -From A New Earth

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