Monday, April 28, 2008

Itch, Scratch......Itch, Scratch

We've all had to deal with uncontrollable itches that are in the most inappropriate places. And they always seem to happen when its the worst possible time and place so that scratching the itch is impossible. And the more you try to think of something else the more maddening the itch is. It happens when your boss is talking to you or when you are standing in line at the bank, etc.
So, my right breast itches terribly. So does my right underarm. And it is kind of difficult to scratch it all the time. Thus it is maddening most of the time. I put the lotions and potions on it that they tell me to but they "ain't workin'!" At least not to the point that I would like for them to. Oh well. Just a little thing to have to complain about. If that's the worst of it then bring it on!
Tom and I had a very nice weekend. We worked in the yard and cleaned our house. We also watched a couple of movies and Tom got to play guitars (which he loves) with a neighbor of ours. And we went to a birthday party and enjoyed some great food and fun with some new friends. It was a weekend of blessings and today it is raining and it is another day of blessings. Each day, each moment is a blessing. This is a day the Lord has made.......Rejoice and Be Glad!

1 comment:

howard said...

i live outside of chicago and saw your blog - read it and thought it was (all)very brave and beautiful.
my mom in 1981 had a mastectomy and later joined the y-me cancer group in chicago -then became a counselor , took part in all of the fashion shows and really helped alot of women. the pics of you with varying degrees of buzzcut , etc are beautiful and your smile definitely showed alot of strength. keep up the great work