Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

Today is April 22nd and it is Earth Day. Today is meant to bring about awareness to our Mother Earth and what we are doing to her. I usually try to plant something on Earth Day but I have been too inside myself to do that this year. No Excuse! So, I will try to plant a tree this weekend to uphold my agreement to myself.
Mind noise has been a problem for me the past couple of days. This is when the mind begins telling me what to do - talking to me and telling me things that I know to be untrue or "whirring" away on things that just don't matter. I have to be very aware in those moments to bring myself back into the present moment and not listen to the mind noise. Its funny how we as humans are always looking for our next issue, happy moment, big break, money windfall, etc., and we lose sight of the moments that we are in - right now. We are never satisfied so must always look ahead. And then we've got our past that wants to tell us that something is right or wrong just because that's the way we were brought up. If we learn to accept the present time in our lives then we will probably be alot happier. Or at least, maybe, we'd be alot less insane!
15 Rads down! All going well except skin is starting to itch and breast is starting to be a bit achy. Doc says that's OK - gave me the name of some anti-itch cream. I may use it all over my body because my hair is starting to grow back everywhere and I've been scratching like I have fleas! I now have a 5:00 shadow on the top of my head. Its kinda cool except when I hot flash! Then its hot and sweaty - HA!
Happy Earth Day to ALL!! Thanks for hanging in there with me. The Lord will bless you for helping this old girl like you have!

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