Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tired of feeling sick and tired

Well, I'm at home today - Neupogen again. I know its the last time but I am so tired. I know I've said it before but it seems like it just keep getting worse instead of better. Everything I read says that fatigue is cumulative so it makes sense that I would feel this way. But I'm so over this!
Anyway, I took an edible arrangement to my chemo nurses and other nurses and docs in the office. They loved it! It was almost too beautiful to eat. In fact one of them said she wasn't going to let anyone eat it until she could take a picture of it. I even saw my doctor taking a few bites! Of course, everyone loved the chocolate dipped strawberries - YUMMMMM!!!!!!
I'm sitting here knowing that I haven't written anything for a few days but just don't want to whine or complain so like mom says, "if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all" - remember that? I like telling all of you what's going on because I know for most people this is the best way to know how I am doing. I just don't want you to think that I'm just complaining. I am tired of feeling this way but I can handle it for a little while longer. I read this morning while awaiting my shot that one cancer survivor wrote: Cancer is a blessing because it teaches us to savor moments in our lives that we may otherwise take for granted.
I say - well said. Sometimes we have to go through these types of things to make us slow down and enjoy life also. I hope I can keep this feeling because right now I am so happy to be alive and want to spend time with family and friends and make those moments special.
Life is good, folks.

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