Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am getting some hair back now and have decided that I no longer need the hats. I have about 1/2" of hair on my head and I still get stares but I have decided that there is really no reason to hide myself behind a hat. It is as it is. In fact, I am more confortable in my own skin overall. I'm telling you that this book, A New Earth, has made me see life in a totally different way. I used to think that God was "out there somewhere" but now I know that He is everywhere. He is in the flower, in the air, in the trees, in me, etc. His presence is felt everywhere. I am a part of Him. We are all a part of Him. That realization has made me leave fear behind - or at least I am learning. All my old habits are still with me but I am at least aware of them now and can recognize when they enter my thoughts and I react in my old way.
There are not words to describe how blessed I feel to be alive. Everything is a blessing. Breathing is a blessing. Being able to walk, talk, and laugh are all blessings. I have a roof over my head and food to eat.
I am happy and I want you all to be happy also. Take each moment and accept it as it is and you will find that life becomes much easier to LIVE!
Only 2 more rads to go! I cannot believe I'm almost done!

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