Tuesday, February 28, 2012

No more drains!

Yesterday I went to see the Plastic Surgeon for the first post-op visit.  He said I am doing great!  He had the nurse pull all the drains which I could have kissed him for and if he hadn't done it I probably would have cursed him for it.  Those drains were awful.  We had to "strip" them meaning pulling on them while mashing them flat to get everything pushed out of them and then we emptied them and that smell......ugh...if I never smell that smell again it will be too soon.  Even now when they are out I still smell where they were and I thought the shower would take care of that smell but it didn't.  I know it will go away.  Soon, please!
The doctor also said that the swelling would be here for a while.  If it weren't for the swelling then I might feel really human.  He said that it would be a couple of months before I really feel more normal anyway.  But he was pleased with my progress.  I am pleased also.  I can get in and out of the bed by myself now....progress!  I can use the bathroom by myself...progress!  I can walk without the walker...progress!  I can walk back and forth to the mailbox....progress!
I will not rush myself back to work.  I will take my time and get well....physically, spiritually and psychologically.  I have a long way to go.

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