Sunday, March 4, 2012

Getting better every day

Today is 18 days post op and I did laundry!  I put clothes away and did laundry and even cooked part of dinner.  It feels good to be doing something and not having to ask everyone to do everything for me.  I get tired very easily though.  I have to sit and take frequent breaks but its all good.
My body is sad.  I have finally looked at it in the mirror and it doesn't look a thing like my old body.  My breasts are flat (which I don't mind) but pushed under my arms and my abdomen is flatter that it's been in years.  Weird.  But mostly it just doesn't look like me.  I laughed the first time I saw it but now it just makes me sad.  But generally I am OK.  I needed to do what I did to rid my body of the beast.  And for all intents and purposes the beast is gone.  There is never any guarantee that the beast is gone for good but I have faith that God has a plan that is way smarter than mine.  So I just live...and see what happens.

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