Thursday, March 8, 2012

I overdid it.

On Tuesday I went to the grocery store and overdid it.  Now I am paying for it.  I lifted items into the cart and then into the car with reckless disregard for how much they weighed.  Note to self:  There is a reason the doctors tell you not to lift more than 8 pounds.  I was so sore on Wednesday but walked the dog anyway and now my abdominal incision is paying the price.  It is "angry" and red and weepy.  I hope I have not damaged it.  I emailed the nurse with my symptoms and am waiting to hear from her.  I pray that I won't have to drive to Chapel Hill.
Well, the nurse just called back and said keep doing what I am doing with neosporin and if it starts looking worse then call them and they will put me on oral antibiotics.
So today I am taking it easy, watching ACC Basketball Tourney and will do minimal activities to try to let this thing rest and get better.
I'm learning that I don't follow directions very well.

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