Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Sisterhood of Pink

I have read that many women that have had breast cancer do not like pink or anything associated with it.  They think that the pink has grown into just another way to make money from the unfortunate pain of others.  Maybe it is.
However, I find that pink makes me immediately understand that woman (or man, if he happens to wear pink) and feel empathy and sympathy for her plight.  It makes me feel a kinship of sorts with her.....another woman who has been through the awfulness and has come out the other side....or is still struggling......or knows someone who is struggling and wants to do something, anything, to help.  Helping could mean as little as wearing pink.
All I know is that when I see a women wearing pink....as I did yesterday....she had a pink shirt, pink shorts, and a pink hat on.....I see another person struggling.  And I feel closer to her.  And I can relate to her.  And she feels like a part of me.
Pink can be good for something.  If only to make us more aware.

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