Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Huge Dilemma

When I was going through cancer treatments I chatted on the boards and got to "know" several people and what they were/are going through. One of the blogs that I read regularly, and still do, is . Laurie is a wonderful writer and I have enjoyed reading her blogs and have much sympathy for her plight. She wrote recently about a book called "AntiCancer: A New Way of Life" so I decided to read it. I am about 3/4 of the way through it and thus, following is my dilemma.
One of the things we do as humans is to always want and look for more. We see this as the opportunity to fulfill ourselves; to make us seem worthy to others and to ourselves. It is in our very nature to take things for granted and NOT make the most of the days of our lives. When something like cancer strikes someone it is likely that they will re-evaluate their lives for what is most important. And when they do that they realize that enjoying this life is the MOST important thing to do. Enjoying one's life can be accomplished in many ways but enjoying it is at the forefront.
When I found out about the cancer and read the book, "A New Earth", I decided that enjoying my life would be the #1 thing from now on. I began a "Bucket List" after watching that movie and have learned to de-stress, forgive, ask for forgiveness, love more deeply, speak more kindly, etc.
This new book is about learning what foods to give up to make one less susceptible to the return of the cancer, exercising to help with that also, and not allowing stress the run your life. It is about the things to do to make one live longer.
Here's my dilemma for those of you that haven't already figured it out. I want to LIVE for a long time - cancer-free. However, I also want to enjoy every moment that I have on this earth. I want to eat good food, spend time with my family, travel, drink good get the picture. What does one do? Does one trick themselves into thinking that eating well, exercising and not drinking is the best way to enjoy their life? And let's say they do everything right and the cancer still returns - what then? Think on that one for a while and if you come up with an answer I'd love to hear it!

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