Friday, May 30, 2008

What to say?

Its interesting that I keep coming here, in fact I feel compelled to come here, and once I get here I have trouble coming up with something to say. So I'll try to come up with something that won't bore anyone.
Since I have started becoming more aware I tend to notice things more than I used to. Don't get me mind is still full of static and I tend to wander in my mind still more than I want to.......but I am able to bring myself back into the present more than I used to be able to and I am much more calm than I used to be. I find that I don't get as angry, frustrated, or anxious as I used to. Its easier to tell folks that I love them and cherish their friendships. I have a new mantra - "I don't mind what happens". That doesn't mean that I LIKE everything that happens but I can accept it. Or at least I am trying. I have found that this life is alot easier if I can accept things that happen rather than fighting them. I don't know what caused my cancer but I do have a feeling that stress contributed greatly. So it is my wish to relieve the stress in my life. And by staying in the moment, not worrying about the future, and accepting the things that happen I can feel much more peace.
I am happy. I hope you are happy too.

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