Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm back!

Back at work today and I'm feeling a little better. I still have hair, for now, although it is very short and I am having a hard time getting used to it. My bones are not as achy as they have been but my head is kind of "funny" - if you know what I mean. Not really dizzy but not altogether right either.
Speaking of hair has not started falling out. I have been reading message boards and it usually starts falling out on day 13 or 14. Today is day 13 for me. Its like waiting on the other shoe to drop. I know that not all women lose their hair - about 80% do - but I have a feeling that it might just happen for me. So far most of the things that usually happen have happened for me also. In fact the bone pain from the shot was only supposed to happen in less than 30% of people and I got that. But then most people get a lot of nausea and I have had very little of that. So one never knows.
I have finally gotten the metallic taste that people talk about though. So everything I eat or drink tastes like metal. Maybe I can actually lose weight if nothing tastes good?! I sure hope so!
I know in my blog yesterday I sounded kind of down and I can safely say that I have my moments where I am saddened and scared by what is happening but I know that I can beat it and will give it my all. Laying in the bed doesn't make for a very good attitude but I know that it will all be OK. For those who have seen fit to comment on my rantings - thank you for your kind comments and all the thoughts and prayers. In the famous words or the Terminator - "I'll be back!"

1 comment:

Sueeie said...

Hey Wendy,
I am so sorry you are having to face this situation. After you are finished with your treatment, promise me you will consider an alternative. One that guarantees results with no side effects.