Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What is normal?

I know for anybody who reads this blog regularly they know that I repeat myself.  I try not to do this but sometimes I do anyway.  So for that I apologize.  I think I repeat myself because this is all I am feeling now-a-days.  Anyway, here goes.
I need a change so badly.  Just a change of scenery may make the biggest difference.  And I don't mean a vacation.  I mean a change.  And in addition to that I feel so non-normal.  I don't know how to feel normal any more.  I feel like an alien in a bunch of regular folks.  But when I come across a BC sister I feel so akin to them.  Love for them flows through me.  They understand me.  They are aliens too.  None of us know normal anymore.  There is no new normal.  Nothing is normal ever again.
I thought after the first time with BC that as the years went by I would feel more normal  and I think I did.  And then I was blindsided. So I feel like this time I will be "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me".  I'll never believe in normal again.  I'll never believe that everything will be OK.  I will forever look over my shoulder waiting for the BEAST to rear its ugly head at me.
I hate it.  But I don't know how to change it.  I just know that if I don't get a change in scenery soon I may go more nuts than I already am.  I know....hard to believe but it could happen.

Monday, October 22, 2012


So I hadn't heard from my surgeon at UNC since March and he had told me that he wanted to see me after 6 months.  So I emailed him and the nurse liaison and heard back from her.  This is what Delma said, "Well, the good news is that we clearly consider you cured and a survivor in surveillance.  There is no indication for scans or lab work during surveillance for breast cancer that has been cured."
WHAT???  Is she kidding me?  I was HOT!  And within a few minutes the doctor had emailed her and said, "Delma- I usually like to see patients back for surveillance at least for a year." 
She has lost her mind.  If it was the first time for BC then MAYBE he wouldn't want to see me but this is the 2nd time!  My oncologist said at the very least I should be scanned every 4-6 months for the next 3 years.  People like Delma should really know what they are talking about before they say something.
And it goes on.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

All clear!

When I saw my oncologist, Dr. Huffman, recently he and I discussed that I am an emotional mess.  I mentioned this before.  He listened to me and my symptoms and we did a CT scan and a brain scan.  I assume that in the next couple of months I will get a bone scan also.  Anyway, both the CT scan and brain scan were normal.  No evidence of disease (NED)!  Great news!
So what is wrong with me?  I am very frustrated.  Sigh.